Top winning Cairn in the History of the Breed

17 times Best in Shows

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This TerrierBreeders site
owned by Jerrie Wolfe

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Member of
The Cairn Terrier Club of America
The Cairn Terrier Club of Northern California
The Cairn Terrier Club of Central California
The Northern California Terrier Association
The Danish Terrier Clu
b (Cairn and Glen of Imaal Groups)
The Swedish Cairn Terrier Club
The Finnish Cairn Terrier Club
Norwegian Terrier Club
The Norwegian Cairn Terrier Club
The Glen of Imaal Terrier Club of America
The Irish Glen of Imaal Terriers Owners  and Breeders Association
Jack Russell Terrier Association of America
The Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Northern California
The Gold Coast Chinese Crested Club
The American Rare Breed Association


This page has been visited times since August 4, 1999
This page was last up-dated March 30, 2002

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The Fine Print:
© Copyright Rose Croft Terriers 1997/98/99/00/01/02/03
Web Design & maintenance by Jerrie Wolfe

©2000 - Jerrie Wolfe of all original written material unless otherwise indicated. 
No part of the
Rose Croft Terrier Web may be copied or re-used without expressed written permission. 
Most graphics at the
Rose Croft Terrier sites are original photographs and are the copyrighted 
property of the original photographer. Graphics and photographs may not be copied, 
distributed, sold, or used in any way without permission.
Rose Croft Terrier Web was established August 4, 1997 